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Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 1: Confidence

Today begins the nine-day novena asking for the intercession of "the greatest saint of modern times": Doctor of the Church St Thérèse of Lisieux. The novena is traditionally offered in the lead up to her feast on October 1.

Possibly the most popular saint after St Francis of Assisi, the Little Flower is widely beloved for her powerful charism of chasing sanctity in the ordinary and total confidence in God's love. Her inspired spirituality has changed the world: how many in the Church and beyond have found hope and clarity in her Little Way? How many have been kissed by her roses showering from Heaven, as she said they would?

Over the next nine days, join Thy Ship in praying this novena for whatever special intention is closest to your heart. Along the way, we will share personal reflections and stories connected to Thérèse, as well as journal prompts and lots of practical ideas for celebrating her feast and, more importantly, imitating her Little Way to holiness.

Novena prayer

Novenas are not magic or some kind of "Catholic voodoo." In fact, we misspeak when we say "I'm praying to St Thérèse." More accurate: we ask the saint in Heaven to pray for us, just as we would ask our friends on earth to pray for us. Because they are even closer to God, their prayers contain even greater purity and power.

For each of the nine days, pray this prayer:

St Thérèse, you said you would let fall from Heaven “a shower of roses” as a sign of your prayers for us. Please bring my special intention before God (mention intention here).

Please pray for me to believe as you did in God's great love for me, so that I might imitate your complete trust in Him. Pray that I may live my life in union with God’s plan for me, and one day see the Face of God whom you loved so deeply.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.


Reflect and pray

  • Reflect upon this meditation from Thérèse:

    • “We can never have too much confidence in the good God who is so powerful and so merciful. We obtain from Him as much as we hope for.  If you are nothing, do you forget that Jesus is everything? You have only to lose your nothingness in His Infinity and think only of loving Him.”

  • Journal and pray:

    • How confident are you in God’s promises?

    • Do you truly expect Him to answer your prayers?

    • What may be causing your confidence to be weaker than it should?

    • What do you want to ask Him for today? 

Come back tomorrow for Day 2 of the novena, plus some practical, hands-on ideas to observe the novena with your family (great for all ages). You can also subscribe here so you don't miss a post!

St Thérèse, pray for us.


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I'd love to collaborate with you on your next retreat, day of reflection, pilgrimage, trip, or event.



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