
Guest post | Colin MacIver: St Thérèse, friend and matchmaker
And then I got a letter, adorned with roses, from a girl from Louisiana I had never met

Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 9: Victory
Novena Day 9, plus a reflection: "My God, I love you!"

Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 8: Love
Novena Day 8, plus reflections and prompts: "My vocation is love"

Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 7: Prayer
Novena Day 7, plus reflections and prompts: "When I am incapable of praying..."

Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 6: Heaven
Novena Day 6, plus reflections and prompts: "The world's thy ship, not thy home"

Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 5: Gardens
Novena Day 5, plus reflection and prompts: "One ray from His heart can make a soul bloom for eternity"

Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 4: Little
Novena Day 4, plus reflection and prompts: "God cannot inspire unrealizable desires"

Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux Day 3: Surrender
Novena Day 3, plus reflection prompts: "The only way which leads to love..."