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Saint of the week: Clare of Assisi

Chiara Offreduccio grew up beautiful and privileged, but she threw off a predestined future into an arranged noble marriage and ran after poverty instead. Around age 17, Chiara was electrified when she heard Francis of Assisi preach. She found the love of God irresistible. With a heart of fire and courage, she left her family's wealth and plans for her life, and asked Francis to teach her how to follow the Gospel as radically as he did.

On Palm Sunday in 1212, Chiara went with her bishop's permission to Francis'portziuncula chapel, where he cut off her long hair and traded her fine gown for a humble veil and habit. Her family tried to remove her from the Benedictine convent where she was living. The conflict peaked when her uncle tried to physically drag her away. Chiara clung to the altar and could not be moved.

She became the founder of the Poor Clares, and the first woman to ever compose a monastic rule. In 1240 and again in 1241, she prayed fervently for protection against attacking Saracen armies. She held up the monstrance to face the invaders, and both times the attacks failed. Her last words in 1253: "Blessed be You, oh God, for having created me."


While I admire her life and holiness, I have often felt that I don’t relate much to Clare, which is ironic because 1) I am directly named after her; 2) I am all about that Franciscan charism (and have the Birks to prove it); 3) she epitomizes feminine genius and complementarity (among other things, she was fearless in pursuing her own path, and many male popes, cardinals, etc., sought her wisdom and direction); and 4) her name means light, and John 1:5 is by far the most powerful summary of my own life and faith.

So I have been thinking about Chiara and mulling over why she and I have been connected in so many obvious ways. Why has the Lord placed her so centrally in my life if I don’t really relate to her personality?

And maybe it’s this: the saints are not only the friends we are attracted to by common interests or desires or experiences; the saints are the friends we need. Every morning our family prays: God, give us good friends who love Jesus. This is the single most important quality in a friend—to love God most, because that love alone enables the true ordering of all other loves. Friends who love Jesus are friends who call us to be fully who we were made to be—not copies of another person’s holiness or vocation, but fully the unique and unrepeatable image of God that we are.

Chiara of Assisi loved God more than anything else. Chiara refused to compromise or grow comfortable with vice. Chiara persisted in radically saying yes to Jesus and serving others throughout her long life. Chiara utterly believed Jesus’ promises. Chiara is the holy friend I need.

St Clare, pray for us to have friends like you on earth and in Heaven who show us the still better way.

Chiara of Assisi's feast is August 11.


Contact me. I am a Catholic author, artist, speaker, and travel advisor.

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