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Saints quotes for a new year and a fresh start

Here is a rule for everyday life: Do not do anything which you cannot offer to God.

+St John Vianney

Begin now … Believe me, don’t wait until tomorrow to begin becoming a saint.

+St Thérèse of Lisieux

Don’t let your life be sterile. Be useful. Blaze a trail. Shine forth with the light of your faith… and light up all the ways of the earth with the fire of Christ that you carry in your heart.

+St Josemaria Escriva

Do not doubt, do not hesitate, never despair of the mercy of God. Hope and have confidence in confession.

+St Isidore of Seville

If we wish to make any progress in the service of God we must begin every day of our life with new eagerness.

+St Charles Borromeo

Peacefully do at each moment what at that moment ought to be done. If we do what each moment requires, we will eventually complete God’s plan, whatever it is. We can trust God to take care of the master plan when we take care of the details.

+St Katharine Drexel

Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.

+St John XXIII

Love God, serve God; everything is in that.

+St Clare of Assisi

Do not lose heart, even if you should discover that you lack qualities necessary for the work to which you are called. He who called you will not desert you, but the moment you are in need he will stretch out his saving hand.

+St Angela Merici

Act and God will act, work and He will work.

+A saying St Joan of Arc frequently invoked

There are very few men who realize what God would make of them if they abandoned themselves entirely to his hands, and let themselves be formed by His Grace.

+St Ignatius of Loyola

A magnificent building will never rise if we reject the insignificant bricks. The past does not belong to me; the future is not mine; with all my soul I try to make use of the present moment.

+St Faustina

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.

+St Francis de Sales

Pray, hope and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer. Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart.

+St Pio da Pietrelcina

It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is He who provoked you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise; it is He who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; it is He who reads in your hearts your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle.

+St John Paul II

Always we begin again.

+St Benedict

And when night comes, and you look back over the day and see how fragmentary everything has been, and how much you planned that has gone undone, and all the reasons you have to be embarrassed and ashamed: just take everything exactly as it is, put it in God’s hands and leave it with Him. Then you will be able to rest in Him—really rest—and start the next day as a new life.

+St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

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